This California Privacy Notice (“Notice”) applies to “Consumers” as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and supplements other privacy policies or notices issued by U.S. Expediters, Inc. dba (“Company” “we” “us”). In the event of a conflict between any other Company policy, statement, or notice and this Notice, this Notice will prevail with respect to California Consumers and their rights under the CCPA. 

This Notice describes our collection, use, disclosure, and Sale of California Consumers’ Personal Information (PI), as well as rights California Consumers have under the CCPA. Terms defined in the CCPA that are used in this Notice have the same meanings as in the CCPA. 

Consistent with the CCPA, job applicants, current and former employees, contractors, and subjects of certain business-to-business communications acting in their capacity as representatives of another business are not considered Consumers for the purposes of this Notice or the rights described herein.

In the event of a conflict between any other policy, statement, or notice and this Notice, this Notice will prevail as to California Consumers and their rights under the CCPA.

Personal Information that is also considered “Protected Health Information” under applicable law is, when we are acting as a covered entity under such laws, subject to our Notice of Protected Health Information Privacy Policy, which will govern our practices with respect to such information in those circumstances, notwithstanding anything to the contrary under this California Privacy Notice.


Under the CCPA, California Consumers have certain rights which they may exercise independently or through an authorized agent. CCPA rights requests are subject to an identification and verification process. We will not fulfill a CCPA request unless we have been provided sufficient information for us to reasonably verify the identity of the requestor and the validity of the request. 

Some PI we maintain about Consumers (e.g., clickstream data) is not sufficiently associated with enough PI about the Consumer for us to be able to verify that it is a particular Consumer’s PI. Accordingly, we will not include such information in response to Consumer requests. If we cannot comply with a request, we will explain the reasons in our response. You are not required to create an account with us to make a verifiable request, but you may use your account to do so. We will use PI provided in your request to verify your identity or authority to make the request and to track and document request responses, unless you also provided the PI to us for another purpose.

We will make commercially reasonable efforts to identify Consumer PI that we collect, use, store, disclose, or otherwise process, and to respond to your California Consumer privacy rights requests. In some cases, particularly with voluminous and/or typically irrelevant data, we may provide you with a summary of your PI and give you the opportunity to elect whether you want us to provide the entire data set. Alternatively, we may direct you on how to access and copy responsive PI yourself. We may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act upon a request if the request is excessive, repetitive, unfounded, or overly burdensome. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, or that we may decline to comply with the request, we will give you notice explaining why we made that decision. In the case of a fee, we will provide a cost estimate and the opportunity to accept such fees before charging you for responding to your request.

Your California Consumer privacy rights are described below. We will take appropriate steps to confirm the identity of a Consumer making a request for purposes of verifying the authenticity of the request. You may be required to provide certain PI to allow us to verify that you are the Consumer about whom the request is being made. Please promptly respond to any follow-up inquires so that we may confirm your identity. If you request that we provide you with specific pieces of information about you, we will apply the heightened verification standards. An authorized agent may submit a request on behalf of a Consumer if the Consumer has provided the authorized agent with power of attorney in accordance with California law. Alternatively, the agent must (1) present verifiable written authorization from the Consumer that the agent has the Consumer’s permission to submit the request; and (2) independently verify the agent’s own identity with Company.

We may collect, use, and disclose your PI as required or permitted by applicable law. Please note we are not obligated to comply with consumer requests to the extent that doing so would infringe on our, or any other person’s or party’s, rights or conflict with applicable law.

Disclosure Rights

You have the right to request that we disclose your PI that we have collected and are maintaining for the 12-month period prior to the request date. Consumer requests of this nature may be made no more than 2 times in a 12-month period.

The categories of PI we have collected about you.

The categories of sources from which we collected your PI.

The business or commercial purposes for collecting or Selling your PI.

The categories of third parties to whom we have shared your PI.

The specific pieces of PI we have collected about you.

A list of the categories of PI disclosed for a business purpose in the prior 12 months, or a statement that no such disclosure occurred.

A list of the categories of PI Sold about you in the prior 12 months, or that no Sale occurred. If we Sold your PI, we will explain (1) the categories of your PI we have Sold, and (2) the categories of third parties to which we Sold PI.

You have the right to make or obtain a portable copy of your PI that we (1) have collected in the 12 months prior to the request date and (2) currently are maintaining. Please note that we retain PI for various time periods in accordance with applicable law and our internal record keeping policies and procedures. 

“Do Not Sell” Rights

You have the right to opt-out of “sharing” of your personal information, as those terms are defined under the CCPA. While we do not “sell” personal information to third parties in exchange for monetary compensation, we may “share” the following categories of personal information for advertising purposes: identifiers and internet or other electronic network activity information to third-party advertising networks, analytics providers and social networks for purposes of marketing and advertising for products and services we believe may be of interest to you. We do not sell or share sensitive personal information, nor do we sell or share any personal information about individuals who we know are under sixteen (16) years old.

To exercise your right to opt-out of the “sale” or “sharing” of your personal information, click the “Do Not Sell or Share My personal information” link at the bottom of our website.

California recognizes the universal opt-out signal or Global Privacy Control (GPC). The GPC is a proposed specification (for example, a browser setting) that allows you to make a single opt-out of the sale or share of your personal information to the extent that a particular website and browser are able to recognize the signal. For further information and a list of browsers and browser extensions for which GPC is available, visit the GPC webpage at This is a third-party organization independent of and we disclaim any liability in connection with that website. You need to review the privacy policy and terms of use. At, we honor the GPC signal as a valid request to opt-out of the sale or share of your personal information and we will act on such instruction automatically. You may also change your privacy preferences through the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link at the bottom of our home pages.

Deletion Rights

Except to the extent we have a basis for retention under the CCPA, you may request that we delete your PI that we have collected directly from you and are maintaining. Our retention rights include, without limitation, retaining PI to complete transactions and provide services you have requested or that are reasonably anticipated, for security purposes, for legitimate internal business purposes such as maintaining business records, to comply with law or otherwise cooperate with law enforcement, and to exercise or defend legal claims. Note also that we are not required to delete your PI that we did not collect directly from you. 

Non-Discrimination Rights

We will not discriminate against you in a manner prohibited by the CCPA because you exercise your CCPA rights. 

California’s “Shine the Light” Law

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits California customers to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes.